Thursday, August 7, 2014


The picture speaks it all :) 
from (

These theories are important. all of them. and you have to be very very clear that which theory says what because the questions are going to be direct.

  • MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEED OR MASLOW'S THEORY OF MOTIVATION : I picked up this picture from the net. saved me some time of drawing the same :)
Once a lower level need is met, it no longer serves as a motivation. You have to use the next higher level as a motivator. 

Physiological needs (Basic needs) : Food, Clothing and Shelter
Safety and Security need: of health, of property, economic security etc.
Social need: Love, togetherness, Belongingness, Group Members etc.
Self Esteem : Recognition, Confidence, Achievement, Respect from others, reputation etc.
Self Actualization : Creativity, Problem solving, pursue inner talent, Doing what one can do best :)

  1. Hygiene Factors are something like  working condition, Salary, Personal life, Security, Job status etc.
  2. Having the hygiene factor met does not motivate people but the absence of hygiene factors demotivates them and reduces performance. Makes sense, if any one of the above factors is missing, one can not perform to one's best.
  3. What motivates people is work itself.
  • MCGREGOR'S THEORY X AND THEORY Y :  This theory says that there are two kinds of managers
  1. Managers who do not trust their team :(. They believe that people needs to be watched every minute, They believe employees are incapable, they avoid responsibilities and avoid work and so they need continuous supervision and watch: Theory X Managers 
  2. Managers who trust their team :(. They believe that people want to work. They do not need any supervision. They believe employees can direct their own efforts. : Theory Y Managers
  • THEORY Z : Given by William Ouchy
  1. Management believes that the people are Creative and Committed to the long term goals.
  2. Believe in "Together everyone achieves more".
  3. Both management and Workers need to be involved and they should trust each other.
  4. Whole part of a person. Collective responsibility

I found this diagram from this website ( ) . explains it well. 

  1. This theory is built upon the idea that motivation comes from a person believing they will get what they want in the form of performance or rewards.
  2. You need to give people an expectation of a reward in order to motivate them.
  3. The reward should be achievable. If it is impossible to achieve, it will only demotivate them.
  • MCCLELLAND'S ACHIEVEMENT THEORY : AAP (Achievement Power and Affiliation)
People need three things to stay motivated. Achievement Power and Affiliation.
  1. Achievement : when you perform well and get recognized for the same.
  2. Power : One has a lot of control or influence in the company. Desire to influence, teach or coach.
  3. Affiliation : Sense of being a part of the team. Focus on relationship. Avoid conflict.
Please feel free to ask questions or a detailed explanation of any topic. Let me know if you want me to add any topic and if anything you find wrong. Please leave a comment if you find it useful.

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